Press release
Today, Concrete Day, the Concrete Association of Estonia announced the winners of the ‘Concrete Building of 2010’ competition at the Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel.
Concrete Building 2010 – private home in Pirita (Vahtramäe tee 9, Tallinn):
the Grand Prix of the competition – architect Andres Lember, Male Maja OÜ.
Client Award – private person, Constructor Award – Inseneribüroo Ekoteh OÜ, Builder Award – Ruul Projekt OÜ, Concrete Supplier Award – AS Rudus.
Comments by the panel: Concrete has been used as both a construction and a finishing material and the concrete surfaces are also clearly visible in the interior.
Madis Eek: “A simple, unpretentious building. It would be great if there were more such clients.”
Special prize – Open Air Exhibition Grounds of the Estonian Road Museum (Varbuse, Kanepi Municipality, Põlva County) – to Arhitektuuribüroo Salto OÜ and the design bureau Laika, Belka & Strelka OÜ – for an integrated architectural solution and the idea of graphic concrete.
Comments by the panel: This is an original facility where the possibilities of graphic concrete have been used ingeniously. For concrete enthusiasts, the most exciting part of the museum is the collection depicting a road to the past where graphic concrete elements are used to mark different eras. The concrete elements display old photos in graphic concrete. The 3×5 m wall panels were prepared by AS E-Betoonelement based on specific photos and are the first of their kind in the Baltic States.
Special prize – the multifunctional ski stadium of Tehvandi Sport Centre (Otepää) – Savekate OÜ – for high-quality concrete work.
Special prize – private home (BlackHouse) in Nõmme (Valguse 17, Tallinn) – to architect Martin Aunin – for an integrated solution of two private homes and for sincere communication with concrete & to Nordecon Betoon OÜ– for result-oriented, careful concrete work.
Comments by the panel: The private home catches the eye due to its uniform and professional details, use of different valuable materials and novel technical solutions. The white monolithic concrete surfaces with fine-sawed scaffold planking dominate on the façades of the building.
The ‘Concrete Building of the Year’ competition, held for the eleventh time this year, aims to introduce the broad possibilities of the use of concrete to the public and recognise the people who have used this local building material to realise their ideas: concrete offers numerous possibilities and can be formed in countless ways.
13 works were entered in the competition this year. The competition was open to concrete buildings, structures and processes transferred to clients during 2010.
The panel of the ‘Concrete Building 2010’ competition comprised representatives of Estonian construction associations: the Concrete Association of Estonia (Toomas Laur), the Union of Estonian Architects (Madis Eek), the Estonian Association of Construction Entrepreneurs (Indrek Peterson), the Estonian Association of Civil Engineers (Heiki Meos), the Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia (Enno Rebane), the Estonian Association of Architectural and Consulting Engineering Companies (Andres Saar), Aadu Kana, the chair of the panel, as well as construction journalists Eva Kiisler from Ehitaja magazine, Liivi Tamm from the newspaper Äripäev and Maritta Koivisto from Betoni magazine (Finland).
The Concrete Association of Estonia is an association that promotes the use of concrete as a domestic building material. The association comprises 45 enterprises, organisations and individuals.
For further information please contact:
Mati Laurson, chairman of the Concrete Association of Estonia
Phone: +372 5034 916 / E-mail: mati@savekate.ee
AaduKana, chair of the panel of the ‘Concrete Building 2010’ competition, Authorised Engineer of Estonia
Phone: +372 50 49 477
Peeter Kokk, Managing Director, Concrete Association of Estonia
Phone: +372 51 87 198 / +372 648 1918 / E-mail: betoon@betoon.org