Concrete Association of Estonia and Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia have announced the „Concrete Building of the Year 2019” competition.
The aim of the contest is to contribute to the architectural concrete, concrete construction and concrete technology development, as well as to raise the reputation of concrete as a domestic building material.
„The continuing urbanization in Estonia relies heavily on concrete construction,” says the chairman of the Concrete Association of Estonia Tiit Roots. „Both infrastructure and constructions building are widely based on concrete,” added Roots.
According to Tiit Roots, concrete has again shown its position as the most widely used domestic building material. „We invite the creators of soon to be completed buildings to submit their work to our competition,” said Tiit Roots.
Conditions to enter the concrete building construction:
– Buildings – structures and constructions – that will be delivered to the owner during the year 2019;
– Buildings that have previously not been submitted to the competition.
– Also designs and proceedings can be submitted.
The winner of the contest is a proceeding or object that invests in the work of the entrepreneurs registered in Estonia and concrete material purveyed locally. Professional engineering and construction are also important aspects of the selection process, also exactingness, quality and innovation of the contestant.
The grand prix goes to the author of the winning idea. The owner, engineer, constructor, supplier of formwork and concrete producer will be denoted.
The jury comprises of representatives of the Union of Estonian Architects, the Concrete Association of Estonia, the Estonian Association of Civil Engineers, the Estonian Association of Construction Entrepreneurs, the Estonian Association of Architectural and Consulting Engineering Companies, the Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia, AS Kunda Nordic Tsement and constructional media. The jury is summoned by the promoter of the contest.
The deadline of submission is the 2nd of December 2019.
The winner will be announced on the 20th Estonian Concrete Day in March 2020.
The annual contest – The best concrete building of the year – has been organized for 20 years making it the oldest construction competition in Estonia.
The Concrete Building of the Year 2018 is the building of the Estonian Academy of Arts. The main prize, architecture – KUU Arhitektid (Joel Kopli, Koit Ojaliiv, Juhan Rohtla and Eik Hermann); Contractor Award: Estonian Academy of Arts; Designer Award: Inseneribüroo Printsiip OÜ (Tõnu Peipman, Piret Lindma, Andres Sokk, Tom Arula); Interior Design Award: Pink OÜ (Tarmo Piirmets, Raul Tiitus); Constructor Award: Astlanda Ehitus OÜ; Concrete Works Award: Maru Betoonitööd OÜ, Savekate OÜ; Concrete Award: Betoonimeister OÜ, Rudus AS; Concrete Elements Award: Framm AS, Paneelivabrik OÜ; Formwork Award: Peri AS; Ramirent Baltic OÜ.
The Concrete Building of the Year 2017 – a private residence in Viimsi. Grand Prix – client Mait Rõõmusaar.
The Concrete Building of the Year 2016 – Eesti Rahva Muuseum. Grand Prix – DGT Architects (Dan Dorell, Lina Ghotmeh, Tsuyoshi Tane).
The Concrete Building of the Year 2015 – Ihaste Bridge in Tartu. Grand Prix – Ehituse ja Tarkvara Inseneribüroo OÜ (Juhan Idnurm ja Siim Idnurm).
The Concrete Building of the Year 2014 – Tondiraba Ice Hall. Grand Prix – Kadarik Tüür Arhitektid OÜ.
The Concrete Building of the Year 2013 – the reconstruction works of Ülemiste junction. Grand Prix – AS K-Projekt (head designer).
The Concrete Building of the Year 2012 – the reconstruction of concrete structures of Tallinn Seaplane Harbour. Grand Prix – constructors Karl Õiger and Heiki Onton.
The Concrete Building of the Year 2011 – musical scale Cromatico. Grand Prix – sculptor Lukas Kühne.
The Concrete Building of the Year 2010 – villa in Pirita. Grand Prix – architect Andres Lember, Male Maja OÜ.
The Concrete Building of the Year 2009 – Tallink office building. Grand Prix – architect Meelis Press.
The Concrete Building of the Year 2008 – the expansion of Tallinn Airport. Grand Prix – architect Jean-Marie Bonnard, Sofreavia SA.
The Concrete Building of the Year 2007 – arch bridge of Puurmani. Grand Prix – engineers Siim Idnurm, Juhan Idnurm.
The Concrete Building of the Year 2006 – office building for Luku-Expert. Grand Prix – architect Hindrek Kesler.
The Concrete Building of the Year 2005 – office building for TTP. Grand Prix – architect Meelis Press.
The Concrete Building of the Year 2004 – Ülemiste Hotel. Grand Prix – architect Martin Aunin.
The Concrete Building of the Year 2003 – villa in Viimsi. Grand Prix – Architectural Bureau Emil Urbel.
The Concrete Building of the Year 2002 – Tartu Prison. Grand Prix – Architectural Bureau Kalle Rõõmus AS.
The Concrete Building of the Year 2001 – terminal in Muuga. Grand Prix – engineer Randväli ja Karema AS.
The Concrete Building of the Year 2000 – Rocca al Mare School. Grand Prix – Architectural Bureau Urbel ja Peil.
The Concrete Association of Estonia is a union established in order to promote concrete as a domestic construction material, aggregating 66 companies, organizations and individuals.
The Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia is a union linking 63 companies involved in the production and marketing of construction materials.
Additional information:
Tiit Roots, Chairman of the Concrete Association of Estonia
Ph.: +372 50 42 228; e-mail: tiit@peri.ee
Toomas Vainola, Executive Director of the Concrete Association of Estonia
Ph.: +372 648 1918; +372 50 366 50; e-mail: betoon@betoon.org
Enno Rebane, Executive Director of the Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia
Ph.: +372 648 1918; +372 51 82 662; e-mail: eetl@eetl.ee