Concrete construction of the year is the Ülemiste crossing

Press Release

Today, on World Concrete Day, the Estonian Concrete Association announced the winners of the Concrete Construction of the Year 2013 competition at Tallinn University.

Concrete Construction of the Year 2013 – the reconstruction of the Ülemiste crossing.
First award of the competition – AS K-Projekt (chief engineer)

– category “Contracting party” – Tallinn Municipal Engineering Services Department;

– category “Structures” – OÜ Estkonsult, OÜ Järelpinge Inseneribüroo;

– category “Constructor” – AS Merko Ehitus Eesti, AS Ehitusfirma Rand ja Tuulberg;

– category “Concrete” – AS Betoonimeister, AS Rudus;

– category “Formwork” – AS Peri, OÜ Doka Eesti.

In the Estonian context, the Ülemiste crossing is a large-scale and complex infrastructure – the most massive intersection solution, preparing the ground for the Ülemiste district developing into the most important transport hub in Tallinn and Estonia (Rail Baltic, tram connection with the airport, etc.).

Structurally, the most challenging part of the crossing was a 680 metre road tunnel which runs underground for 320 metres. To construct the tunnel, works were constantly carried out in a zone with a high level of surface water, the lowest point being 16 metres below the surface of Ülemiste Lake.

Another important structure included in the Ülemiste crossing is a 150 metre overpass. The overpass is built on boxed girders with varying heights, made of reinforced and post-tensioned concrete.

Aadu Kana, chairman of the jury: “We are glad to see that all submitted concrete constructions are excellent! Very nice and quality concrete surfaces achieved in extremely complex conditions.

The Ülemiste crossing aptly illustrates how indispensable concrete is in modern construction.”


Project manager and constructor award – Vladimir Issakov, ISA Group OÜ – for the professional and well-organised management of concrete works at an Orthodox church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hearken” in Lasnamäe.

Although initially the church was designed as a brick construction, a fact clearly reflected in its layout, it is every inch a concrete structure.

Jury’s comment: thanks to the insight of construction manager Vladimir Issakov and his excellent reasoning and persuasion skills, the contracting party took the only right decision – to use concrete. Later, the decision proved to be a wise one: four times, the construction process was interrupted and the structure conserved due to lack of funds. The church was completed in a total of eight years.

Aadu Kana, chairman of the jury: “Just imagine the outcome, if this decision – to use concrete – had not been taken back then!”


Constructor award – AS TEEDE REV-2– Jõhvi overpass – for transforming an excellent solution in architectural and engineering terms into a likable structure.

Jury’s comment: architecturally interesting solution, a great example of combining architecture and engineering. This is a simple, minimalistic, nice-looking and likeable structure in which Jõhvi can certainly take pride. Quality concrete surfaces with an excellent finish. The quality is even better than usually seen in concrete buildings.


Energy efficiency award by Swedbank – Salto Architecture Bureau – for the Viljandi State Gymnasium building.

For the first time, at the Concrete Construction of the Year competition, Swedbank gave an award in the category of energy efficiency. Swedbank presented the architecture bureau with 400 euros for training purposes.

According to Mats Toots, head of Swedbank’s building materials industry sector, the bank strives to pay attention to the increasingly important concept of energy efficiency and to raise the consciousness of all stakeholders on the matter. “Energy efficiency requires a comprehensive approach and planning from all parties concerned from as early as in the initial phase of a project. Clearly, energy efficient solutions create value which should be an integral part of each modern and functional building. After all, energy efficiency does not concern only the ones using the structure, but also all of us who consume energy and pay for it,” said Mats Toots. “As for Viljandi gymnasium, it is worth highlighting that the solution ticks all the boxes in terms of artistic appearance, heritage conservation and energy efficiency. This inspiring schoolhouse influences the lives of a great number of people, only adding to my joy over this positive example,” he added.


The Estonian Association of Civil Engineers award Estkonsult OÜ constructors’ team – for the tunnels’ project of Ülemiste crossing.

Award by Ehitaja magazine – OÜ Tilts Eesti Filiaal – for quality concrete work in constructing the Jõhvi overpass.

Readers’ choice award by portal – ABB office and production facility.


The Concrete Construction of the Year competition, this year held for the 14thtime, was launched to inform the wider public of the many amazing uses of concrete and to recognise those who have used this traditional building material – versatile and mouldable concrete – to bring their ideas to life.

This year, nine entries were submitted to the competition. Concrete constructions as well as structures and processes utilised in them delivered to the contracting party in 2013 were eligible for entry in the competition.

The jury of the Concrete Construction of the Year 2013 competition included representatives of professional construction associations – Johannes Pello from the Concrete Association of Estonia, Raivo Kotov from the Union of Estonian Architects, Indrek Peterson from the Estonian Association of Construction Entrepreneurs, Heiki Meos from the Estonian Association of Civil Engineers, Enno Rebane from the Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia, Andres Saar and Aadu Kana, chairman of the jury, from the Estonian Association of Architectural and Consulting Engineering companies, but also representatives of building magazines – Eva Kiisler from Ehitaja magazine, Rain Uusen from Postimees daily and Finnish architect Maritta Koivisto from Betoni magazine.


The Concrete Association of Estonia, promoting the use of concrete as a traditionally Estonian building material, is a union with 48 companies, organisations and private persons as its members.

The Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia is a union of entrepreneurs engaging in the production and sales of building materials, and has 64 companies as its members.


Additional information:

Aadu Kana, chairman of the jury of the Concrete Construction of the Year 2013 competition, honorary member of the Concrete Association of Estonia
Tel: 5049 477

Peeter Kokk, CEO of the Concrete Association of Estonia
Tel: 5187 198; 6481 918; e-mail:

Enno Rebane, CEO of the Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia
Tel: 5182 662; 6481 918; e-mail: http://localhost/betoonx/ab-2013-nominendid/


Concrete Construction of the Year in Estonia – seaplane hangars of the Tallinn Seaplane Harbour

Press release

During an annual Concrete Day seminar held in Tallinn today, the Concrete Association of Estonia announced winners of ‘The Concrete Construction of Year 2012’ awards.

Concrete Construction 2012 in Estonia is the reconstruction of concrete structures of the seaplane hangars in Estonian Maritime Museum’s Seaplane Harbour (address: Vesilennuki 6, Tallinn). The Grand Prix was granted to constructors Karl Õiger and Heiki Onton.

Client Award – Estonian Maritime Museum, Architect Award – KOKO Arhitektid OÜ: Raivo Kotov, Andrus Kõresaar, Constructor Award (new structures) – Neoprojekt OÜ: Priit Luure, Riho Märtson, Builder Award – Nordecon AS, Concrete – Sika Baltic SIA Estonian branch, Rudus AS.

The seaplane hangars were designed and built between 1915 and 1917 by a Danish company Christian & Nielsen as part of the former naval Miinisadam harbour. The so-called thin shell construction is one of the most outstanding achievements of its time in the whole world regarding both theory and practical usage of reinforced concrete.

One of the biggest challenges of restoration work turned out to be filling different cracks in the hangar domes – total length of cracks endangering the structure was measured as total 3,6 kilometres. All cracks were seamed with metal struts and filled with a special mix. Beneath the domes, a new reinforced concrete layer was added to restore their strength.

Comments of the jury: “The reconstruction work contains more innovation than in most of new constructions. The seaplane hangars illustrate well the longevity of concrete and are very important in popularising concrete as a material. Engineers’ and builders’ work deserves great recognition.”

Aadu Kana, chairman of the jury: “Experts call the seaplane hangars’ restoration process as a great construction industry achievement due the hangars had not been repaired or maintained practically at all within their 95 years of existence, because of which their condition was extremely bad. One of the leaders of such unprecedented reconstruction process in our conditions was Mr. Karl Õiger, a professor of the Tallinn University of Technology, who has for 11 years been engaged with studying the hangars of the Seaplane Harbour and making their reconstruction possible.”


Special Award for the architectural concept was granted to Narva College building of the University of Tartu (address: Raekoja plats 2, Narva). Architect Award – Arhitektuuribüroo Kavakava OÜ: Siiri Vallner, Indrek Peil, Katrin Koov.

Dominant feature of the building is a white concrete front wall facing the Town Hall Square. The wall provides a detailed spatial delineation of the scope of once destroyed stock exchange building and the form of its historic façade. External layer of the ground floor façade has been built by using high-quality white concrete mix (white cement, white filling). The front wall of the first and second floors as well as the third floor’s “beak” pointing towards the Town Hall Square have been assembled from white concrete panels.

Comments of the jury: “It is a building that popularises concrete in best possible manner. Its architectural concept is world-class and purely refined. The entire building is very concrete-like and displays well the possibilities of concrete also inside. An excellent example of a building where concrete serves architecture.”


Special Award of the Estonian Association of Civil Engineers was granted to Karl Õiger and Heiki Onton for the restoration of concrete structures of seaplane hangars at Seaplane Harbour.

Diplomas of the Estonian Association of Civil Engineers were given to:

– Priit Luure and Riho Märtson for reconstruction and design of the structural parts of the seaplane hangars at Seaplane Harbour;

– Maari Idnurm and Siim Randmäe for design of structures of the Narva College building of the University of Tartu;

– Kaido Sooru for design of the overpass at the eastern part of Muuga Harbour.


Special Award of Ehitaja magazine was granted to AS Nordecon for the construction of the crypt and columbarium of St. Paul’s church in Tartu.

The ‘Concrete Construction of the Year’ competition, held for the 13thconsecutive time in Estonia, aims to introduce the broad possibilities of concrete usage to the public and to recognise the people having used this local construction material to realise their ideas: concrete offers numerous possibilities and can be formed in countless ways. 16 nominees entered the competition this year. The competition was open to concrete constructions as well as structures and processes used in them, that were finished for clients during year 2012.

Members of the competition jury were: Mr. Johannes Pello from the Concrete Association of Estonia, Mr. Ralf Lõoke from the Union of Estonian Architects, Mr. Indrek Peterson from the Estonian Association of Construction Entrepreneurs, Mr. Heiki Meos from the Estonian Association of Civil Engineers, Mr. Enno Rebane from the Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia, Mr. Andres Saar from the Estonian Association of Architectural and Consulting Engineering Companies and Mr. Aadu Kana as the chairman of the jury. Additional members were theme-related journalists Mrs. Eva Kiisler from Ehitaja magazine, Mrs. Liivi Tamm from the business newspaper Äripäev and Finnish architect, editor-in-chief Mrs. Maritta Koivisto from Betoni magazine.


For further information please contact:

Aadu Kana, chairman of the jury and Authorised Engineer in Estonia,
Phone: +372 504 9477

Peeter Kokk, Managing Director, Concrete Association of Estonia,
Phone: +372 518 7198 or +372 648 1918; E-mail:

Enno Rebane, Managing Director, Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia,
Phone: +372 518 2662 or +372 648 1918; E-mail:

The Concrete Association of Estonia is an organization promoting the usage of concrete as a locally produced construction material. The association comprises 49 enterprises, organisations and individuals.

The Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia is an organization of entreprises that is engaged in production and sales of construction materials. The association has 62 member companies.

Concrete Construction of the Year in Estonia – ‘Cromatico’ sound sculpture

Press release

On a national thematic Concrete Day, the Concrete Association of Estonia announced today winners of ‘The Concrete Construction of Year 2011’ Award at an seminar event held in the Tallinn University of Technology.

Concrete Construction 2011 in Estonia is ‘Cromatico’ sound sculpture, located on the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds.

Grand Prix Award of the competition was granted to sculptor Lukas Kühne from Germany.

Constructor Award – Andrei Kervališvili, Nordecon Betoon OÜ
Builder Award – Nordecon Betoon OÜ
Concrete Supplier Award – HC Betoon AS.

‘Cromatico’ is a visualisation of chromatic musical scale. It consists of 12 concrete chambers (which illustrate one octave of the black and white piano keys). Each chamber of the concrete band shell reverberates in a different pitch.

According to the sculptor, the ‘Cromatico’ project was realised for The European Capital of Culture Tallinn 2011 in cooperation with an international culture platform Tuned City (

Comments of the jury: Very thin walls of the sculpture, poured from monolithic concrete directly on location, required extremely skilful workers. The sculpture is a complicated engineering solution, in which the artist’s vision of sounds and their travel through the chambers meet well with technical realisation.

‘Cromatico’ gives concrete a new role as an acoustic element. The quality of technical concrete work is very good. The conception’s magic lies in the factthat the sculpture consists only of concrete and of no other additional gadgets or materials. The installation has also been placed successfully into the surrounding landscape.

Aadu Kana, chairmain of the jury: Estonia has received a sound sculpture that is unique in the world. It was brought to life from the inspirational ideas of Lukas Kühne and Mikko Fritze by enthusiastic cooperation of a concrete specialist Mait Rõõmusaar (Nordecon Betoon OÜ).

It is also remarkable due majority of the project was done as pro bono by all parties, as a sincere and voluntary commitment. This is best possible advertising for concrete as such.


Special award – apartment buildings at Helme 14 (address: Helme St., Tallinn) – was granted to Arhitektibüroo JVR OÜ (architects Kalle Vellevoog and Velle Kadalipp) and to AS E-Betoonelement – based on the performance of different pretentious high-quality concrete surfaces with novel technology.

Comments of the jury: Architect and the developer have found a way to use several diverse concrete surfaces utilizing different technologies.

To enable graphic concrete representations, they have found an individual novel solution that is several times more cost-effective than the ones used before. The result is eye-catching and of high quality.

The technology of making rubber moulds for casting concrete surfaces expands the options of architects and customers in creating concrete surfaces that are visually rich.


Special award – residence building in Tabasalu (address: Lehe 8, Tabasalu, Harku Municipal, Harju County) – was granted to Palm E ArhitektibürooOÜ (architects Eero Palm and Pille Noole) and to customer Priit Altpere – for good cooperation between the customer and the architect.

Comments of the jury: Good work from the architects – at first glance it is not obvious at all that the object is an element house. The concrete surfaces and construction work are of high quality. The display of concrete surfaces inside the building have not been exaggerated; instead, concrete forms a harmonious entity with other materials. This is a home with character of its own, built with high skill and determination.


Special Award of Ehitaja magazine – to AS Kontek Int– for conducting a high-quality building work of the biological filter building at the Tallinn waste-water treatment plant.


Special Public Award of Internet portal „“ (i.e. Building News, published by AS Äripäev) for the biological filter building at the Tallinn waste-water treatment plant, based of readers’ vote.


The ‘Concrete Construction of the Year’ competition, held for the twelfth time this year, aims to introduce the broad possibilities of the use of concrete to the public and recognise the people who have used this local Construction material to realise their ideas: concrete offers numerous possibilities and can be formed in countless ways.

11 works were entered in the competition this year. The competition was open to concrete constructions, structures and processes transferred to clients in 2011.

The jury of the ‘Concrete Construction 2011’ competition comprised representatives of Estonian construction associations: the Concrete Association of Estonia (Toomas Laur), the Union of Estonian Architects (Hindrek Kesler), the Estonian Association of Construction Entrepreneurs (Indrek Peterson), the Estonian Association of Civil Engineers (Heiki Meos), the Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia (Enno Rebane), the Estonian Association of Architectural and Consulting Engineering Companies (Martin Aunin), Aadu Kana, the chair of the panel, as well as construction journalists Eva Kiisler from Ehitaja magazine, Liivi Tamm from the Äripäev newspaper and Maritta Koivisto from Betoni magazine (Finland).

The Concrete Association of Estonia is an association that promotes the use of concrete as a locally produced construction material. The association comprises 47 enterprises, organisations and individuals.


For further information please contact:

Aadu Kana, chair of the jury of the ‘Concrete Construction 2011’ competition, Authorised Engineer of Estonia
Phone: +372 50 49 477

Peeter Kokk, Managing Director, Concrete Association of Estonia
Phone: +37251 87 198 / +372 648 1918 / E-mail:

Private home in Pirita declared Concrete Building of the Year

Press release

Today, Concrete Day, the Concrete Association of Estonia announced the winners of the ‘Concrete Building of 2010’ competition at the Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel.

Concrete Building 2010 – private home in Pirita (Vahtramäe tee 9, Tallinn):

the Grand Prix of the competition – architect Andres Lember, Male Maja OÜ.

Client Award – private person, Constructor Award – Inseneribüroo Ekoteh OÜ, Builder Award – Ruul Projekt OÜ, Concrete Supplier Award – AS Rudus.

Comments by the panel: Concrete has been used as both a construction and a finishing material and the concrete surfaces are also clearly visible in the interior.

Madis Eek: “A simple, unpretentious building. It would be great if there were more such clients.”


Special prize – Open Air Exhibition Grounds of the Estonian Road Museum (Varbuse, Kanepi Municipality, Põlva County) – to Arhitektuuribüroo Salto OÜ and the design bureau Laika, Belka & Strelka OÜ – for an integrated architectural solution and the idea of graphic concrete.

Comments by the panel: This is an original facility where the possibilities of graphic concrete have been used ingeniously. For concrete enthusiasts, the most exciting part of the museum is the collection depicting a road to the past where graphic concrete elements are used to mark different eras. The concrete elements display old photos in graphic concrete. The 3×5 m wall panels were prepared by AS E-Betoonelement based on specific photos and are the first of their kind in the Baltic States.


Special prize – the multifunctional ski stadium of Tehvandi Sport Centre (Otepää) – Savekate OÜ – for high-quality concrete work.


Special prize – private home (BlackHouse) in Nõmme (Valguse 17, Tallinn) – to architect Martin Aunin – for an integrated solution of two private homes and for sincere communication with concrete & to Nordecon Betoon OÜ– for result-oriented, careful concrete work.

Comments by the panel: The private home catches the eye due to its uniform and professional details, use of different valuable materials and novel technical solutions. The white monolithic concrete surfaces with fine-sawed scaffold planking dominate on the façades of the building.


The ‘Concrete Building of the Year’ competition, held for the eleventh time this year, aims to introduce the broad possibilities of the use of concrete to the public and recognise the people who have used this local building material to realise their ideas: concrete offers numerous possibilities and can be formed in countless ways.

13 works were entered in the competition this year. The competition was open to concrete buildings, structures and processes transferred to clients during 2010.

The panel of the ‘Concrete Building 2010’ competition comprised representatives of Estonian construction associations: the Concrete Association of Estonia (Toomas Laur), the Union of Estonian Architects (Madis Eek), the Estonian Association of Construction Entrepreneurs (Indrek Peterson), the Estonian Association of Civil Engineers (Heiki Meos), the Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia (Enno Rebane), the Estonian Association of Architectural and Consulting Engineering Companies (Andres Saar), Aadu Kana, the chair of the panel, as well as construction journalists Eva Kiisler from Ehitaja magazine, Liivi Tamm from the newspaper Äripäev and Maritta Koivisto from Betoni magazine (Finland).


The Concrete Association of Estonia is an association that promotes the use of concrete as a domestic building material. The association comprises 45 enterprises, organisations and individuals.


For further information please contact:

Mati Laurson, chairman of the Concrete Association of Estonia
Phone: +372 5034 916 / E-mail:

AaduKana, chair of the panel of the ‘Concrete Building 2010’ competition, Authorised Engineer of Estonia
Phone: +372 50 49 477

Peeter Kokk, Managing Director, Concrete Association of Estonia
Phone: +372 51 87 198 / +372 648 1918 / E-mail:

The best Estonian concrete building in the year 2010

Press release

The Concrete Association of Estonia and the Association of Construction Material Producers of  Estonia today announce the contest “Concrete Building of the Year 2010”.

“Despite the complicated situation on construction market, there is a number of distinguished buildings that have been established out of our national construction material, concrete,” said Mati Laurson, Chairman of the Board of the Concrete Association of Estonia. Laurson adds that concrete, as a stable and durable material has been appreciated through good and bad times.

The aim of the contest is discovering and confering distinction on sightly buildings that are implemented effectively and economically, revealing the advantages that concrete as a material is able to offer.

„Our goal is to contribute to the development of concrete architecture, technology and construction,” said Peeter Kokk, Executive Director of the Concrete Association of Estonia.  “We are expecting high participation rate of the owners, architects, constructors, material suppliers, engineers and other parties involved in completed decorous concrete establishments,” Kana added.

Works presented to the contest have to be assigned to the owner in 2010 and can be submitted only once. Designs and proceedings can be submitted to the contest as well.

The winner of the contest is a proceeding or object that invests in the work of the entrepreneurs registered in Estonia and concrete material purveyed locally. Professional engineering and construction is also an important aspect of the selection process, also exactingness, quality and innovation of the contestant.

The grand prix goes to the author of the winning idea – the architect. The owner, engineer, constructor and concrete producer will be denoted.

The jury comprises of representatives of the Union of Estonian Architects, the Concrete Association of Estonia, The Estonian Association of Civil Engineers, the Estonian Association of Construction Entrepreneurs, the Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia, Estonian Association of Architectural and Consulting Engineering Companies, and also representatives of AS Kunda Nordic Tsement and constructional media.  The jury is summoned by the promoter of the contest.

The deadline of submission is the 1st of December 2010.

The winner will be announced on the eleventh Estonian ConcreteDay in March 2011.


The Concrete Association of Estonia and the Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia have organized the annual contest for ten years.

  • The Concrete Building of the Year 2009 – Tallink office building.
  • Grand Prix – architect Meelis Press, Meelis Pressi Arhitektuuribüroo AS.
  • Owner prize – OÜ Fastinvest, engineer prize – Finnmap Consulting, contractor prize – AS Merko Ehitus, prize for concrete elements – AS Tartu Maja Betoontooted, concrete producer prize – AS Rudus.
  • The Concrete Building of the Year 2008 – the expansion of Tallinn Airport. Grand Prix – architect Jean-Marie Bonnard, Sofreavia SA.
  • The Concrete Building of the Year 2007 – arch bridge of Puurmani. Grand Prix – engineers Siim Idnurm, Juhan Idnurm.
  • The Concrete Building of the Year 2006 – office building for Luku-Expert. Grand Prix – architect Hindrek Kesler.
  • The Concrete Building of the Year 2005 – office building for TTP. Grand Prix – architect Meelis Press.
  • The Concrete Building of the Year 2004 – Ülemiste Hotel. Grand Prix – architect Martin Aunin.
  • The Concrete Building of the Year 2003 – villa in Viimsi. Grand Prix – Architectural Bureau Emil Urbel.
  • The Concrete Building of the Year 2002 – Tartu Prison. Grand Prix – Architectural Bureau Kalle Rõõmus AS.
  • The Concrete Building of the Year 2001 – terminal in Muuga. Grand Prix – engineer Randväli ja Karema AS.
  • The Concrete Building of the Year 2000 – Rocca al Mare School. Grand Prix – Architectural Bureau Urbel ja Peil.

The Concrete Association of Estonia is a union established in order to promote concrete as a domestic construction material, aggregating 45 companies, organizations and individuals.

The Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia is a union linking 58 companies involved in the production and marketing of construction materials.

Additional information:

Mati Laurson, Chairman of the Board of the Concrete Association of Estonia, Member of the Board of Savekate OÜ
Tel: +372 7309830; +3725034916: e-mail:

Peeter Kokk, Executive Director of The Concrete Association of Estonia
Tel: +372 6481918; +3725187198; e-mail:

Enno Rebane, Executive Director of The Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia
Tel: +3726481918; +3725182662; e-mail:

Tallink’s office building declared the Concrete Building of the Year

Press release

Today, on the 10thannual concrete day, the Concrete Association of Estonia announced the winners of the competition the Concrete Building of 2009 in the Glass Hall of the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds.

Concrete Building of 2009 – Tallink’s office building (Sadama 5/7, Tallinn):

The Grand Prix of the competition – architect Meelis Press, Meelis Pressi Arhitektuuribüroo AS.

Client Award – OÜ Fastinvest

Constructor Award – Finnmap Consulting

Builder Award – AS Merko Ehitus

Concrete Element Award – AS Tartu Maja Betoontooted,

Concrete Supplier Award – AS Rudus.

Comments by the panel: the excellent cooperation between the architect, client, builder and producer of materials results in a building that is outstanding both in terms of the architecture as well as the engineering aim. The strength of the building lies in its decorative concrete crosses whose high-quality surface leaves no room for doubts about the immense effort put into making and installing them. In interior design the clean concrete surface is demonstrated by an impressive stairwell. In spite of ample glass surfaces the building leaves the impression of a concrete building.

Aadu Kana, chair of the panel: “The most outstanding house in this competition both in terms of architecture and technology as well as the quality of concrete products and works. And obviously the most remarkable part and absolute architectural dominant of the building are the grandiose white concrete X-shaped façade ribs along with the portal of the main entrance. Meelis Press has always worked well with clients, realising his architectural aim in full. The same can be noticed in the case of his last winning work in our competition: the TTP house, which was declared the Concrete Building of 2005.

Enno Rebane, member of the panel: “Tallink’s office building proves once again that good cooperation produces good results. Besides paying tribute to the architect, the builder and others, the producer and transporter should be praised as the delivery of the fine concrete elements from Tartu may have been quite a challenge. The client has every reason to be satisfied: the house is respectable, interesting and attractive.”

Special prize for architecture – Andres Kadarik: the production, warehousing and office building of Otto Bock Estonia AS (Punane 72/Kuuli 8, Tallinn).

Comments by the panel: The goal of the architect has been to value a simple production building using an external finish that has been decomposed in an emphasised manner as well as interesting embossed and plain concrete elements. It is a pleasant architectural attempt and everything that was attempted has been nicely achieved in this building. The result is a house that is made of neat and unexaggerated elements. The most interesting part of the building is the element surface made of rubber matrixes, which resembles a bar code.

Special prize for architecture – Alver Arhitektid OÜ: underground parking lot of Liberty Square (Tallinn).

Comments by the panel: The work of the architect deserves the greatest praise for having to cope with integrating the historic strips of a wall that cover a quarter of the surface into the works and exposing them in suitable manner. It is a fair and very concrete-like structure where all concrete work has been performed with very good quality.

Toomas Laur, member of the panel: “Demonstrates concrete in a diverse fashion, especially as a construction material. Clean cast surfaces with texture suitable for the object are also visible.”

Special prize – the concrete wolf of the Dark Nights Film Festival (in front of Nokia Concert Hall, Estonia pst 9, Tallinn) – sculptor Aivar Simson and concrete work performed by AS E-Betoonelement.

Comments by the panel: a good demonstration of the possibilities of using concrete outside the circle of civil engineering works. The sculpture expands the artistic possibilities of concrete and makes the urban space more attractive. A tasteful look and impeccable production.

Enno Rebane, member of the panel: “The slightly unexpected use of concrete has been formed into a pleasant and harmonic result owing to the tasteful and concrete selection of material and the cooperation between the author and the material producer.”

The Ehitaja magazine identified the readers’ favourite of the nominees by an online survey. The favourite of the readers of Ehitajais the berth of the Port of Virtsu.

The Concrete Building of the Year, held for the tenth time this year, aims at introducing the broad possibilities the use of concrete to the public and recognise the people who have used this local building material for realising their ideas: concrete offers numerous possibilities and can be formed in countless ways.

17 works entered the competition this year. The competition was open to concrete buildings and their structures and processes handed over to clients during 2009.

The panel of the Concrete Building of 2009 competition comprised of representatives of Estonian construction associations: Concrete Association of Estonia (Toomas Laur), the Union of Estonian Architects (Ike Volkov), Estonian Association of Construction Entrepreneurs (Indrek Peterson), Estonian Association of Civil Engineers (Heiki Meos), Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia (Enno Rebane), Estonian Association of Architectural and Consulting Engineering Companies (Andres Saar), AS Kunda Nordic Tsement (Aadu Kana, the chair of the panel), as well as construction journalists, i.e. Eva Kiisler from the Ehitaja magazine, Liivi Tamm from the Äripäev newspaper and Maritta Koivisto from the Betoni magazine (Finland).

The Concrete Association of Estonia is an association that promotes the use of concrete as a domestic building material. The Association comprises 52 enterprises, organisations and individuals.

Further information:

Aadu Kana, chair of the panel of the Concrete Building of 2009 competition, Senior Adviser, AS Kunda Nordic Tsement
Phone: +372 6209657; +372 5049 477; e-mail:

Peeter Kokk, Managing Director, Concrete Association of Estonia,
Phone: +372 6481918; +372 51 87198; e-mail:

The best Estonian concrete building in the year 2009

Press release

The Concrete Association of Estonia and the Association of Construction Material Producers of  Estonia announce the contest “Concrete Building of the Year 2009”. The contest is being held already the 10thtime.

”The situation in the field of construction and construction material production is complicated,” said Mati Laurson, Chairman of Board of the Concrete Association of Estonia. “Despite of the situation, this year there will still be a number of new outstanding concrete buildings that we wish to complement and recognize within our tenth contest,” Laurson added.

The aim of the contest is discovering and confering distinction on sightly buildings that are implemented effectively and economically, revealing the advantages that concrete as a material is able to offer. „Our goal is to contribute to the development of concrete architecture, technology and construction and promote concrete as a domestic construction material,“ said Aadu Kana, Member of Board of the Concrete Association of Estonia and Senior Adviser of AS Kunda Nordic Tsement.

Kana accentuates that due to the durability and the quality of being easily sculptured, architects and engineers have unlimited field of operation. “We are expecting high participation rate of the owners, architects, constructors, material suppliers, engineers and other parties involved in completed decorous concrete establishments,” Kana added.

The buildings have to be assigned to the owner in 2009 and can be submitted only once. Designs and proceedings can be submitted to the contest as well. The winner of the contest is a proceeding or object, that invests in the work of the entrepreneurs registered in Estonia and concrete material purveyed locally. Professional engineering and construction is also an important aspect of the selection process, also exactingness, quality and innovation of the contestant.

The grand prix goes to the author of the winning idea – the architect. The owner, engineer, constructor and concrete producer will be denoted.

The jury comprises of representatives of the Union of Estonian Architects, the Concrete Association of Estonia, The Estonian Association of Civil Engineers, the Estonian Association of Construction Entrepreneurs, the Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia, Estonian Association of Architectural and Consulting Engineering Companies, and also representatives of AS Kunda Nordic Tsement and constructional media.

The deadline of submission is the 1st of December 2009.

The winner will be announced on the tenth Concrete Day in March 2010.


The Concrete Association of Estonia and the Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia have organized the annual contest for nine years.

  • The Concrete Building of the Year 2008 – the expansion of Tallinn Airport. Grand Prix – architect Jean-Marie Bonnard, Sofreavia SA.
  • Owner prize – AS Tallinna Lennujaam, designer prize – AS EA Reng, engineering  prize – Inseneribüroo Pike OÜ, contractor prize – AS Skanska EMV, concrete producer prize – AS Rudusja AS HC Betoon.
  • The Concrete Building of the Year 2007 – arch bridge of Puurmani. Grand Prix – engineers Siim Idnurm, Juhan Idnurm.
  • Owner prize – Estonian Road Administration, designer prize – AS EA Reng, contractor prize – AS Merko Ehitus, concrete producer prize – AS Rudus.
  • The Concrete Building of the Year 2006 – office building for Luku-Expert. Grand Prix – architect Hindrek Kesler.
  • Owner prize – Luku-Expert OÜ, engineering prize– Ago-Allan Kuddu, constructor prize – Ahti Väin Konsult OÜ, prize for concrete elements – AS E-Betoonelement.
  • The Concrete Building of the Year 2005 – office building for TTP. Grand Prix – architect Meelis Press.
  • Owner prize –AS TTP, contractor prize – OÜ Roxor Ehitus, prize for concrete – AS HC Betoon.
  • The Concrete Building of the Year 2004 – Ülemiste Hotel. Grand Prix- architect Martin Aunin.
  • Owner prize – AS Noravest, designer prize –AS EA Reng, prize for constructions – OÜ Inseneribüroo Pike, contractor prize – AS FKSM, prize for concrete –AS HC Betoon.
  • The Concrete Building of the Year 2003 – villa in Viimsi. Grand Prix – Architectural Bureau Emil Urbel. Designer prize – OÜ TA  Konsult, prize for concrete works – OÜ Mapri Projekt, prize for concrete – AS HC Betoon.
  • The Concrete Building of the Year 2002 – Tartu Prison. Grand Prix – Architectural Bureau Kalle Rõõmus AS.
  • Owner prize –Tartu Prison, designer prize – EstKONSULT OÜ, contractor prize –AS Skanska EMV,  prize for concrete elements – Tartu Maja Betoontooted AS.
  • The Concrete Building of the Year 2001 – terminal in Muuga. Grand Prix – engineer Randväli ja Karema AS.
  • Owner prize – AS DBT, contractor prize – AS Promete Intand AS K-Most, prize for concrete – AS Talotand AS Rudus Eesti.
  • The Concrete Building of the Year 2000 – Rocca al Mare School. Grand Prix – Architectural Bureau Urbel ja Peil.
  • Owner prize – AS Rocca al Mare Koolimaja, designer prize – OÜ Inseneribüroo Märt Mõttus and OÜ E-Inseneribüroo, contractor prize – AS KMG Ehitus, prize for precast concrete elements – AS E-Betoonelement,  prize for concrete – AS Talot.

The Concrete Association of Estonia is a union established in order to promote concrete as a domestic construction material, aggregating 53 companies, organizations and private individuals.

The Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia is a union linking 62 companies involved in the production and marketing of construction materials.

Additional information:

Tõnis Haube, Executive Director of The Concrete Association of Estonia
Tel.: +372 648 1918; +372 51 05 285; e-mail:

Enno Rebane, Executive Director of The Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia
Tel.: +372 648 1918; +372 51 82 662;

Aadu Kana, Member of Board of the Concrete Association of Estonia and Senior Adviser of AS Kunda Nordic Tsement.
Tel.: +372 620 9657; +372 50 49 477; e-mail: